Wow, i just took a crazy, wild ride through “Misty” on the tenor sax. Sort of Coltrane meets Sonny Rollins style, way out there, flying far out into the deep dark outreaches of the universe but landing back where it belongs. I don’t usually play like that. Not sure how I did it this time but it felt good. Sometimes I just gotta let loose, let whatever’s in me flow out like liquid melody. This time I hit it right on, got deep down in the groove, took that horn somewhere way out in space and brought it back in for a 3-point landing.
Quicksilver, gliding on ice. Smooth and cold and kool and hot. Brass keys melting, dripping down like notes on a staff, dark oranges and blues and purples slipping out of the bell like nightbirds on the hunt. Red-hot coals burned high F# into the air; ice cold Scotch quenched the fire, streaming sizzling kool bluenotes into the bottom of the horn.
Then it was done, all out.
I wonder if I could ever do it like that again.