The great thing about having a blog is you get to write about all the wonderful things you dig and want to share with El Mundo.
The downside is you actually have to sit down and write!
Sometimes life gets to be so much fun (or so krazy bizy) that I have to throw in a filler.
This is a filler!
Tomorrow, hopefully, will be a little blog about our trip to Fort Lauderdale beach, and the 50’s hotel we got to stay in, the Tropic Cay. Tonight, you get a cocktail recipe, a joke, and a photo of the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean.
From the Great Tiki Drink Book, here’s a TROPICAL MOMENT:
1 1/2 oz white rum
1/2 oz peach schnapps
1 oz Midori
1 oz pineapple juice
1 oz sour mix
1/4 lime
Shake it all up in a vintage shaker with ice, pour over rocks in highball glass and garnish with lime. MMM MMM damn good!
From Playboy Party Jokes, 1959
Harry stepped out of his office building and bumped into a group of his advertising agency friends.
“Join us for lunch, Harry boy?” asked one of them.
“Sorry,” was the answer, “I’m on the wagon.”
Sunrise in Fort Lauderdale. My camera’s not that great and I was sleepwalking when I took the picture.
Mañana, kids!
love it!
Looking forward to hearing about that Fort Lauderdale trip!