Tiki Time: This is just a shorty little post, something I had to throw far out there into the gaxlaxy. Ya see, my SEO guy says I’m not laying enough (tiki) keywords into my posts to get (retro) optimized search engine results. So I figured I’d (hot chicks) pepper a few into a post to sort of make up for (tiki bar) lost time. Personally, I think it’s kind of annoying (cocktail) and very un-hip to constantly (boobs) throw keywords into a post just to get a search engine to pick you (LOLcats) up. But I guess if you want to stay in the search engine limelight, you’ve got to play the (drinking) game.
So here I am, Tiki Chris Pinto, aka Mack, aka ChrisPFlorida, writing my Tiki Blog at my Tiki Bar while sipping a Mai Tai on this sunny South Florida day. I’m wearing a cool retro fedora and have my Moai friend Tiki Mo sitting on the Tiki Bar to keep me company. I’m writing about the Tiki Lifestyle while sipping my Tiki Drink, and have a Tiki of Tiki next to my Tiki Tiki Tiki, with a Tiki doing the Tiki over her two big beautiful Tikis.
Ok, ya know what? All the Ess eee Oh stuff is a bit much for a kat set in the past like me. If you said ‘search engine’ in 1955, everyone would think you were talking about a new rocket designed to seek out life on the moon. If you said anything about “optimization” it probably had to do with seating seven passengers comfortably in a new Buick. My, how these crazy (tiki) times have changed.
Well, I guess that’s enough Tiki Bar Talk for today. Maybe the search engines will motor down my way. Maybe I’ll get optimized with Simonize. Whatever…As long as I got a laugh from you, and a visit from them, I’m happy as a (retro tiki bar talk weblog for hip swingin’ kats and kittens) clam.
-“Tiki Chris” Pinto, live from the Pirate’s Cove Tiki Bar in Tiki-ville, Florida, land of the Tiki Lounge Talk Blog
Looks like tiki tiki tiki, etc. etc. is working…easy to find you!
yeah Darrin, they probably think it’s a cooking site too Ha! go ahead and try it. It can’t hurt, right? (Tiki Tiki)
Hmmm.. maybe I should do a key word post or two laden with “retro”. The “Dad” in Dad’s Dish seems to draw lotsa blogger Mommies thinking I’m a Daddy blog. LOL!
I use the word “Tiki” the way the Smurfs used the word “Smurf” LOL (or the way Marklarks marklark Marklark)
Wow TikiChris that was one tiki of a tiki post, hope the tiki gods keep smiling on you my tiki fiend. See you at the tiki bar….
Tiwaka from Tiwaka’s Tiki Bar & Grill watching the bonfire and Tahitian dancers drink Mai Tai and Coconut concotions. Aloha!
Love it! I have to write SEO friendly copy at work but I don’t concentrate on it as much when I’m writing for Retro Roadmap, probably a bad move on my part! You’re lucky to have “an SEO guy” – I do this all on my own and it can be a little overwhelming at times to remember to do it all! – at least the one thing I’ve tried to remember first and foremost is to provide interesting content, and hopefully that will drive folks to my site as much as anything. I think you’re doing a fine job, tiki, tiki tiki!