There’s a new book of Tiki drink recipes on the market, kids…Kahuna Kevin’s “Why is the Rum Gone”. Wow, dig it, it’s got 40 NEW recipes the cat dreamed up himself, all rum-based and as he says, Tiki-licious. Now, I haven’t gotten the book yet so I haven’t tried any recipes, but this one on his Facebook page really caught my eye…and as a tease, he tells us the ingredients, but not the concoction…
(great name, huh?) Kahuna Kevin’s description on the FB page is as such:
“A dark, blood-red muddled raspberry sweet cocktail containing 3 strong rums, including Lemon Hart 151 Demerara and 94 Proof Blue Cane Agricole, tropical fruit juices, 3 bitters and 2 cane syrups. A perfect aperitif to compliment your raven haired midnight snack!”
Kahuna Kevin's Tiki Drinks
Holy cats! If that doesn’t sound like something that would swing at the Tiki Bar, I don’t know what does. And believe me kids, I know what does. You can buy the book (info at for 25 clams plus shipping. Looks like a very kool tome, and something Tikiphiles will be squacking about for years to come. Good luck Kevin!
Ok, since that was a sort of a cheat, I suppose the Tiki thing to do would be to slide you a recipe you can make tonight. So here’s your second Exotic Cocktail for the weekend…
Coco-Nut Cocktail in a Coconut
The Coco-Nut Cocktail
From one of my favorite books on Tiki drinks, The Tiki Drink Book by Jennifer Trainer Thompson, this is an easy to make cocktail is very sophisticated (because it has vermouth in it)
1 1/2 oz Spiced Rum
1 oz Kahlua
1 oz Dry Vermouth
Pour everything into a shaker with ice and shake it up until frost appears on the outside of the shaker. Strain into a martini glass and serve it up. Garnish with a white tropical flower, or shaved chocolate. You can dust the rim with powdered chocolate, too. Very kool drink. Of course you can serve it in a coconut, too.
Have a nice weekend swingers! – Tiki Chris reporting from lounge.
2 Replies to “Your Weekend Tiki Cocktail: The Bela Lugosi, via Kahuna Kevin!”
I agree 🙂
Both of these sound delish…