Tikiphiles from all over the galaxy will be hitting the landing pads in San Diego this weekend for Tiki Oasis, “the largest and longest running Tiki Event on planet earth.” If you’re going, you’ve already laid down the lettuce for your tix and are probably either checking into the hotel or getting ready to jump on the plane. If you’re not going, you can live digitally vicariously through the tweets, posts and pix of the lucky ducks that will be there! (Just check out Tiki Central for Tiki Oasis Overload).
According to the official website, Tiki Oasis is “a family produced event by Otto and Baby Doe von Stroheim of Tiki News Magazine…the Tiki Oasis is the Tiki community’s annual reunion! Guests have the opportunity to honor historic sites and celebrate all aspects of Tiki Style. We are proud to celebrate our 10th Anniversary Tiki Oasis event!
This kat will not be traveling the 3000 miles this year…I dumped all my dough on The Hukilau in Fort Lauderdale 😉 But I’ll be keeping an eye on the posts of some of my pals who will be there, including Marina the Fire Eating Mermaid (who will be performing), the kool kats at Fez-O-Rama and the kids at Vintage Roadside. And believe me, I will be with you in spirit (that spirit being dark rum!)
Wishing everyone at Tiki-O a great, swingin’ time! Have a Mai Tai for me…and feel free to post comments or photos here or at The Retro Tiki Lounge on Facebook!
Aloha and Mahalos, Tiki Chris reporting from the travel desk at Tiki Lounge Talk.
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